
108 Facts about Sri Krishna

This attempt to learn more about Lord Krishna is represented by these 108 facts about Sri Krishna. Several of the facts are known, while others are unknown. In Hinduism, Vishnu, the Preserver Archetype, is incarnated as Sri Krishna. In order to safeguard Dharma (righteousness) throughout the universe whenever it is in danger, Vishnu has taken on numerous avatars. The following is a list of 108 facts about Krishna, some of which are fairly well-known and others less so.

  1. Uttara is where the popular image of Krishna originates. She was Arjuna’s daughter-in-law and Abhimanyu’s wife. Based on her description, King Vajranabhi, Krishna’s great-grandson, created the first image of Krishna.
  2. The significance of devotion and simplicity is demonstrated by the three foods that Krishna enjoyed on earth. They are Kuchela’s poha or aval, Draupadi’s leftover grain (or, in some instances, amaranth leaves), and the porridge he ate at Vidura’s house.
  3. A mustache is rarely depicted on Krishna. However, the mustache is on the Parthasarathy form of Krishna in the Triplicane Parthasarathy temple in Chennai.
  4. The Sudarshan Chakra is depicted by Krishna in cave drawings found in Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh. The drawing was created around 800 BC.
  5. On Indo-Greek coins from 108 BC, there are also depictions of Krishna holding the Sudarshan Chakra.
  6. Mayon and his affection for cows and bulls are mentioned in Tamil Sangam literature from 200 BC to 100 BC. Krishna, supposedly, is Mayon. Mayon is connected to Kerala’s Onam celebration.
  7. Rishabha, the Jaina God, is one of 22 Vishnu avatars mentioned in the Bhagavad Purana.
  8. Legend has it that when Vasudeva brought Krishna to Gokul, Devaki made a baby with four arms.
  9. According to a Kannada legend, Devaki’s prisoner son was delivered by a donkey. Because of the donkey, Kamsa was aware of the birth of the child. The donkey, on the other hand, did not bleat when Krishna was born.
  10. Krishna is complexed in the dark. However, in contemporary television serials, he has fair skin.
  11. Bengali Bauls hold the belief that Krishna is a reincarnation of the goddess Kali.
  12. Putana was the first demon that Krishna freed on Earth. Krishna was destined to kill all the demons he killed and achieve Moksha.
  13. Sursagar of Surdas talks about Krishna killing Kakasura, a crow demon, but the Srimad Bhagavad Purana doesn’t say anything about it.
  14. Harivamsa asserts that Krishna intends to relocate to Vrindavan from Gokul. He made wolves out of his own pores for this purpose. The wolves attacked people and livestock in Gokul, causing trouble. The people then move to Vrindavan.
  15. Sri Krishna idols have nose rings on them. Yashoda is said to have dressed Krishna up as a girl to protect him from demons and other evil forces. In Rajasthan’s Nathdwara, Krishna wore a nose ring.
  16. The Upanishadic teaching of Tat Tvam Asi is represented by Krishna displaying the entire universe to Yashoda in his mouth.
  17. According to the Puranas, Vishnu conceived Devaki with black hair and white hair. Balarama was Balarama with white hair, and Krishna was Krishna with black hair.
  18. Monkeys always share Krishna’s stolen butter. It is said that these monkeys assisted Rama in finding Sita.
  19. Keshava is another name for Krishna because he killed Keshi, the horse demon.
  20. In India, the taming of the bull demon Arishta by Krishna is the origin of the sport of subduing bulls.
  21. By producing children that Brahma kept secret, Krishna demonstrated to Brahma that he is the Supreme Truth. As a result, Brahma learns who the true creator is.
  22. Because Krishna is the king of Gopikas, parrots have a connection to him. The parrot is a love animal.
  23. Earrings in the shape of a fish are on Krishna. These are Kundala of Makara.
  24. In Vrindavan, Shiva became a Gopika, and his devotees venerate him as Gopeshwara Mahadeva.
  25. According to the Padma Purana, Arjuna donned the costume of a Gopika to participate in the dance performed by Krishna and the Gopis.
  26. It is believed that Trivakra, a Mathura hunchback that Krishna cured, was an incarnation of Manthara, a character from the Ramayana.
  27. When a Kerala temple opens, food is offered to Krishna. After killing Kamsa, Krishna is said to be in Rudra Bhava here.
  28. Before killing Kamsa, Krishna subdues every animal, including the bull, crane, python, horse, donkey, and elephant.
  29. Krishna only began formal education after Kamsa passed away. Sandipani is the Guru of Krishna.
  30. Friendship is a major theme in Krishna stories, along with Bhakti.
  31. It is widely held that Radha was the wife of a different man. He goes by the names Ayan, Abhimanyu, Chandrasena, and Raya.
  32. In Odia Haribansha, Krishna tells Rukmini and Satyabhama the story of Radha, which Achyutananda Das narrates. The story is quite interesting. According to Krishna, Radha’s father discovered her lying on a lotus leaf and that she is a form of Goddess Lakshmi.
  33. Cosmic Vishnu’s vision was shown to Akrura by Krishna. It took place in Vrinadavan at the Akrura Ghat.
  34. Krishna told Radha that he wouldn’t be able to play the flute without her as he was leaving Mathura. His life is only full of dance and music when Radha is present.
  35. Krishna asked the royal washerman to wash his clothes when he got to Mathura. However, the man stated that he would not wash cowherds’ clothing. After that, Krishna pushed him and took his royal attire. In the Ramayana, it is alleged that he was the same washerman who questioned Sita’s chastity. In his subsequent avatar, Krishna exacted revenge on him.
  36. In Mathura, Krishna broke a bow as well. The bow had to be bent and tied by a lot of soldiers. But Krishna did it on his own. He broke the bow by bending it.
  37. Krishna entered the wrestling ring carrying a white tusk from the elephant Kuvalayapida during his duel with Kamsa. Kamsa ‘s plan was to kill Krishna utilizing the elephant. Krishna, on the other hand, defeated the evil elephant mahout.
  38. Krishna killed Chanura, a powerful wrestler, prior to meeting Kamsa.
  39. As depicted by television serials, Kamsa’s death was not a dramatic event. Kamsa was standing at the podium and watching Krishna wrestle. Kamsa ordered his men to arrest the cowherds after seeing him kill the wrestlers. Krishna rushed toward Kamsa amid the chaos and caused him to fall. After that, he killed Kamsa by dragging him around the wrestling ring.
  40. After Kamsa’s death, Krishna’s prema (loving) and vatsalya (caring) form gives way to Rudra bhava. After this, Krishna turns into a controller and legend. He loses his shringara bhava.
  41. Subhadra was first introduced to Krishna by Devaki. She was born behind bars. Yoganidra is said to be Krishna’s sister Subhadra.
  42. Krishna went to Yama’s house as Guru Dakshina and rescued Sandipani’s son, who had been kidnapped and killed by the conch-shell demon Panchajanya. The conch came to symbolize Krishna after he defeated the demon.
  43. On the west coast of the Indian subcontinent, Sandipani’s son became lost. When Krishna was looking for him, he first went to the area. Dwaraka was built on this coast by Krishna later.
  44. Krishna allegedly went to Yama’s house at Devaki’s request to retrieve his six older brothers, who Kamsa had killed. However, they were living with King Bali in Sutala. Asuras, the six brothers had performed severe repentance in order to attain Moksha. They met Krishna at Devaki. However, as soon as they received Moksha, they vanished.
  45. As a prince, Krishna had a lot of enemies. Jarasandha of Magadha was the greatest foe. Uddhava was asked by Krishna to inform the Gopas, Gopis, and Radha that Krishna would not return as promised because he was aware that it was impossible to return to Vrindavan.
  46. The majority of the Krishna tales shown on television are based on Mathura Mahatmya. Numerous incidents are mentioned in this text.
  47. Mathura was attacked 17 times by Jarasandha. Each time, Krishna and Balarama were successful in resisting him.
  48. An eagle was the symbol on Krishna’s banner. The Sudarshana Chakra, the sword, the Nandaka, the mace, the Kaumodaki, and the Saranga bow were his weapons.
  49. Krishna desired to relocate Mathura’s inhabitants to the island of Dwaraka. To attack Mathura, Jarasandha had sought Kalayavana’s assistance. Kalayavana’s army was defeated by Krishna and Balarama. All Mathura residents fled to Dwaraka at this time.
  50. Kalayavana was the son of Sage Gargya. Mathura was his home. Gargya was called impotent and mocked by the Yadavas for not having children. He performed arduous repentance and begged Shiva for the blessing that he would bear a son who would demolish Mathura.
  51. Dwaraka was constructed by Vishwakarma, the divine architect. The God of Wealth, Kubera, had gold and grains in both its Treasury and its Granary.
  52. Krishna used deception to kill Kalayavana. Krishna chased him into the cave where the warrior Muchukunda was sleeping because no Yadava could kill him. The warrior was worn out from assisting the gods in numerous battles. A blessing from the gods guaranteed that anyone who awoke him would be consumed to ashes. Kalayavana kicked Muchukunda because he thought he was Krishna. When Muchukunda awoke, he burned Kalayavana to the ground.
  53. Because he left the battle, Krishna is known as Ranchhodrai in Gujarat and Rajasthan.
  54. After Kalayavana’s death, Jarasandha is said to have instructed his soldiers to burn the cave. He thought Balarama and Krishna had perished.
  55. Everyone was of the opinion that Krishna and the Yadavas had perished. However, Vidarbha’s Rukmini was certain that no one could harm Krishna. She wrote a letter to a messenger and instructed him to search the area until he found Krishna before handing the letter to him. Every day, Rukmini paid homage to Goddess Gauri. Rukmini was taken away from the Goddess Gauri temple on the day she was to wed Shishupala by a golden chariot. The chariot was unable to be stopped by the assembled kings and warriors. Krishna was riding in the chariot, and he appeared to be very much alive.
  56. In India, the story of Rukmini’s kidnapping is very popular.
  57. Daruka is Krishna’s charioteer, and his four horses are Balahak, Shaibya, Sugriva, and Meghapushpa.
  58. Rukmini, not Radha, is more significant in warkari worship of Krishna in Maharashtra.
  59. Krishna was defeated when Rukmi, Rukmini’s brother, attempted to challenge him. However, Krishna spared him at Rukmini’s request and released him after shaving off half of his mustache and head hair.
  60. When Rukmi’s daughter wed Pradyumna, Krishna and Rukmini’s son, the family feud came to an end.
  61. Rukmini, Satyabhama, Jambavati, Kalindi, Bhadra, Satya, Mitravinda, and Lakshmana are the eight wives of Krishna.
  62. Krishna had to tame seven bulls of King Nagnaji in order to marry Satya of the Kosala kingdom. He did it by transforming himself into six additional Krishnas.
  63. In a swayamvara, Krishna was married to Avanti’s Mitravinda. However, marrying Krishna, a cowherd from her family, upset her brothers.
  64. Krishna aimed an arrow into the eye of a fish that was attached to a revolving wheel in order to wed Lakshmana of Madra. He did this while balancing on the pans of a scale and looking at the fish’s oil reflection.
  65. Goddess Lakshmi appears in the eight wives of Krishna.
  66. Supposedly, Krishna’s wives gave birth to ten children each. Therefore, Krishna had 80 kids.
  67. Krishna weighed more than Satyabhama’s entire stash of gold and other valuables. Krishna, on the other hand, weighed more than a single Tulsi leaf. Krishna is content when he practices Bhakti.
  68. The eight wives of Krishna are said to stand for the eight directions.
  69. Krishna got sick once. He could only be cured by dusting off the feet of a woman who truly loved him. Because they thought it would be a sin, his wives resisted the urge to remove the dust from their feet. As a result, the doctor set out for Vrindavan to collect gopi dust. Radha and the other gopis gave the dust to them without hesitation. Because they only cared about Krishna’s well-being, they had no fear of going to hell.
  70. King Paundraka was a fictitious individual who claimed to be Vishnu. Even though he claimed they belonged to him, he gave Krishna the order to hand over his divine weapons. When Krishna got to the palace of Paundraka, he threw his weapons at him and told him to keep them. However, the king was slain by the weapons.
  71. Sudakshina, the king of Kashi, was envious of Krishna and questioned his divinity. He developed a demon with fiery hair. Dwaraka was set ablaze by the demon, but Krishna used his discus to kill both of them.
  72. Krishna met the Pandavas for the first time at Draupadi’s wedding.
  73. He met Kunti after they followed him. Additionally, he stated that he was her brother Vasudeva’s son. Therefore, the Pandavas were his cousins and Kunti was his aunt.
  74. After Kunti met Krishna, she gained the courage to fight for her sons’ rights.
  75. Half of Hastinapur went to the Pandavas. When they built Indraprastha, Krishna helped.
  76. The construction of Indraprastha marked the beginning of their special bond.
  77. When Krishna needed her cloth to bandage his bleeding hand, Draupadi once gave it to him. She is said to have given Krishna her dress when he lost his own while bathing, according to another legend.
  78. Due to her dark complexion, Draupadi is also referred to as Krishnai.
  79. Arjuna was asked to elope with his sister Subhadra by Krishna. He did this to strengthen the Yadava and Pandava ties. Additionally, Krishna was against Subhadra marrying Duryodhana.
  80. Arjuna and Krishna are referred to as Nara Narayana in numerous tales. In some, Krishna teaches humility lessons. Arjuna learns about Krishna’s divinity through other people. They meet Hanuman, go to Vaikunta to find the dead children of a poor man, fight for the demon Gaya, help Arjuna find love, and other common tales.
  81. Jarasandha was given the opportunity to wrestle Krishna, but he chose Bhima instead. Jarasandha made fun of Krishna by claiming that he fled the battle.
  82. Jarasandha’s death was out of Bhima’s hands. The only way to kill him was to split him in two and throw them in opposite directions. By tearing a leaf in half and throwing the two halves in different directions, Krishna revealed the secret to Bhima.
  83. Krishna was able to correct a birth defect in Shishupala. However, according to a prediction, the person who fixed the defect would also kill him. As a result, Shishupala’s mother pleaded with Krishna to overlook 100 of her son’s mistakes. Krishna used his Sudarshana Chakra to kill Shishupala when he surpassed the 100 insults at Yudhishtira’s coronation as king of Indraprastha.
  84. King Salva, his friend, attacked Dwaraka on a flying saucer in retaliation for Shishupala’s death. Salva was beheaded after Krishna shot an arrow into the flying saucer.
  85. Because Krishna ate it, a single grain that was left behind in Draupadi’s washed vessel fed the entire universe.
  86. The Pandavas were to be driven into exile by Krishna. He wanted them to get ready for being king. Additionally, he desired that they acquire the necessary weapons and training to defeat the evil kings on Earth.
  87. When their parents fled, every Pandava child remained in Dwaraka.
  88. Pradyumna, the son of Krishna and Rukmini, was kidnapped by the Asura Shambara and thrown into the sea. However, the child was able to get away and later saw his parents again.
  89. Aniruddha was Krishna’s grandson and the son of Pradyumna. He was in love with Usha, Bana’s daughter and a devotee of Shiva. Krishna and Pradyumna fought Bana when he imprisoned Aniruddha and saved him, who later married Usha.
  90. Samba, his son, was cursed by Krishna for behaving badly around women. As a result, scaly white spots appeared on his face. The patches disappeared after intense repentance and pleasing Surya. Jambavati was Samba’s mother.
  91. Vatsala, the daughter of Balarama, and Abhimanyu, the son of Arjuna, got married in secret. Balarama, who wanted her to marry Duryodhana’s son, was enraged by this. However, Krishna subdued Balarama.
  92. Krishna’s meal at Vidura’s house demonstrates that God values genuine devotion and simple offerings.
  93. According to legend, Vidura’s wife was so awestruck by Krishna’s presence that she offered him banana peels instead of bananas. However, they were accepted by Krishna because he had never rejected anything genuine devotees offered him.
  94. Duryodhana was of the opinion that Krishna’s cosmic appearance in the Hastinapura court was witchcraft.
  95. Karna was informed by Krishna that he was Kunti’s son and the Pandavas’ eldest brother. But Karna remained loyal to Duryodhana even at that point.
  96. Arjuna chose Krishna over his army, the Narayani Sena, in the Mahabharata conflict. The Kauravas were fought by Krishna’s army.
  97. Barbreek was a powerful warrior who supported the weaker side in the Kurukshetra war. He was the grandson of Bhima and the son of Ghatotkacha. Krishna realized that because Barbreek would keep switching sides, this would make the war pointless. As a result, Barbreek’s head was sacrificed to Krishna. He was there for the entire conflict. Barbreek is regarded as a form of Krishna known as Khatu Shyamji. In the end, there was a debate about who was the fiercest warrior in the Kurukshetra war. Bhima claimed to be him. Arjuna said it was him when he disagreed. They finally inquired of Barbreek. He responded that Krishna only helped Goddess Kali eliminate the Adharmic kings.
  98. Iravan, who was to be sacrificed the following day, was married to Krishna as Mohini. They tied the knot for one night. Some people think that Iravan is a version of Shiva and that he made the sacrifice so that the Pandavas could win. The conversation that Krishna and Arjuna have before the war starts summarizes all of the lessons in the Upanishads.
  99. Despite the fact that Krishna was only a charioteer, he destroyed all of Adharma’s supporters in the Mahabharata war without using any weapons. The ferocity of Arjuna’s arrows and Bhima’s mace carried the mark of Krishna. The Pandavas never lost their focus thanks to him.
  100. The animals used in the Kurukshetra War always received water from Krishna. With his arrows, he would instruct Arjuna to retrieve water from the underground.
  101. By hitting Duryodhana in the thighs, Bhima killed him. Krishna was the one who broke the secret about Duryodhana’s weakness.
  102. After the war, the chariot is said to have caught fire when Krishna got out of it. Arjuna and the chariot were safeguarded by Krishna.
  103. Ashwatthama was cursed by Krishna to wander the earth as a penance for the sins of trying to kill Uttara’s unborn child and killing those who were sleeping after the war.
  104. By crushing and hugging Bhima, Dhritarashtra intended to kill him. But Krishna was aware of his plan, so instead of Bhima, he pushed an iron statue toward him. Because his hands were strong enough to kill an elephant, Dhritarashtra was able to easily crush it.
  105. Arjuna and Krishna have a second conversation in the Anu Gita. Jnana Yoga and karma are the primary topics.
  106. Samba, Krishna’s son, posed as a woman and asked Sage Durvasa if he would have a boy or a girl. Sage Durvasa became enraged and beswore Samba to bear an iron rod that would kill the Yadava family as a whole. The Krishna avatar’s existence on Earth was ended by a fragment of the iron rod that Samba gave birth to.
  107. Arjuna carried out Krishna’s final rites. He failed in his attempt to save Dwaraka and its inhabitants. After that, he thought back to Krishna’s teachings and had a vision of a baby sitting on a leaf. He was aware that the cycle of creation would continue as it always had, and that death was not the end.
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